Tuesday 23 September 2014

A new bundle is born: Autumonium by Playinjector is up!!!

Cheers indie mates! I'm very happy to announce you that our new bundle, Autumonium, is now up and running!

We got 8 awesome games for you to play this month.

Tier 1 - 1$
* Exit: Escape from the Bunker (Win, Desura, DRM-Free)
* Blop From Space (Win, Desura, DRM-Free)
* 500 Years Act 1 (Win, Desura, DRM-Free)

Tier 2 - BTA
* Super Cyborg (Win, Steam, DRM-Free)
* Cyberpunk 3776 (Win,OSX, Desura, DRM-Free)
* Armies of Alamar (Win, Desura, DRM-Free)
* Space Slice (Win, Desura, DRM-Free, OST)

Tier 3 - 5.99$ or more
* Tier 1 + Tier 2 + Pid (Featured Game) (Win, OSX, Steam DRM-Free)


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